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I'm doing some work on page 8 tonight, so hop in and say hi if you're burning the midnight oil like I am!


In case you're wondering why there was a little gap between the last stream and now, my air conditioner has stopped working in the last few days, right as the heat wave is coming back, and it makes it almost impossible to work in my office. On top of it, the forced air system that was being assessed to diagnose the issue malfunctioned. It filled my entire house with smoke and the fire department had to rush over and make sure my place wasn't on fire. It was kind of a mess.

Long story short, I'm going to have to shift my working hours to over the night, and sleep at another location in the day until it can be fixed, which would be Monday at the absolute soonest. But you know how that goes... Could be a rough situation for a week or two depending on the extent of repairs needed. I'll survive on energy drinks to transition into an overnight schedule for the time being.



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