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This isn't one of my usual polls, like "which picture should I finish". or anything like that. I'm trying to get a feel for what content those here are interested in seeing. I've been considering mixing up my usual formula to help bring you more of what you'd like and less of what you don't.

What should I prioritize? Multiple choice is enabled so check all that apply. This poll will help me in some decisions for restructuring my schedule and tiers going forward.

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments about what changes you'd prefer to see!



I'd honestly like to see more work done on the comic pages themselves and the illustrations you want to do. The comics are what drew me to your patreon so that's what I'd like to most see with the finished illustrations of course being a big plus.


Your comics and progressive illustrations like the locker room help establish character personalities and enhance the erotica. Even your standalone pictures have gorgeous themes and ideas. I'd much prefer you focus on your own ideas over taking sketch requests and polling which of those to finish.


Yeah, the sketch stream got a little off track so going back to the roots would be the best idea. Quality over quantity for sure.


Highest quality probably would be if you'd focus on what you want to draw, so I'd be ok with that. My personal interest are comic pages and FINISHED pictures. I think the sketches are cool, but I became a patreon mostly because I loved the detail in the finished work, especially on high resolution and sadly sketches are not even close to that level of detail, also the "Finish-a-Sketch" images are a lot less detailed imo (rechecked: varies from picture to picture, so maybe not 100% justified feedback :) )


Z, if I could be frank, most people support you on Patreon for you comic productions. The Mystic Tantra comic is what made me support you here, yet I've seen very little of the Closer comic. There's only been what? 6 pages? It's been months now, and while I don't know your artistic process, it doesn't seem like a single page of a comic should take more than a week at a time. Especially if we are providing you with our money each month, we'd like to see some results or artwork. It is not fair for us to be paying you for nothing.


I am primarily interested in the comic work. And those kangals :)

Setekh Chaos

Comics are really the ONLY reason I'm a patreon. I suspect if you repeat the poll letting everyone only choose one you'll see that most are prob similar in that comics are really what we want. (more closer pages please!)


Comics, please. That's why I'm here.


As much as I like your comics, the sketches and WIPs are what always grab me the most when it comes to artists who inspire me. I'm always wanting to see what's behind the curtain and explore what creations look before they're cleaned up. In fact, I always come across looking at my sketches and expressing how it looks better than my completed works, lol!


I agree with Stephanie.