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Finish-A-Sketch Poll

Polls have concluded, and the winner is the sketch of the elk with the husky and fox couple! I'll be able to start that pic at the end of the weekend, so keep your eyes peeled for any streams I'm able to do for it. Some of the work may be 3D modeling related, so I will probably prep that off stream. (It's boring to watch)

Post Tagging

I've scoured every single post in my patreon account, tagging content so it's easy to browse. Boy, that took a lot more work than I thought it would! In the posts tab of my page, just click one of the tags displayed on the left to filter by that tag and narrow down what you're looking for. I believe they only allow for one tag to be chosen at a time.

Closer Pages

New pages are being sketched over the next day or two, but I'll be working on these pages in sequence rather than doubled up. Do you prefer to see sketches early, or one at a time after each page is done? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


I'll be moving in mid May, which will be a two step process. I don't anticipate this to cut into my work too much, but the amount of driving and loading/unloading involved will be severe and encompass several days of that week. I'll try to do some sketches/doodles to make up for it during that time, ones that won't require me to use the computer equipment that'll be packed up and transported.

Thank you all again for the wonderful support! I'm just a little ways away from my first goal, which is the first time this has happened since starting my patreon account. There's always the usual churn at the start/end of the month, but to see growth is really promising!



Personally, I like seeing the comic pages one at a time. Good luck with the move.


I'm sad that Akita & Kai Ken didn't win, but I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you Zaush~<3


It's really awesome to see that things seem to be going pretty well for you! I'm really glad I get to play even such a small part in it, as I'm sure all of your patrons are. As for the pages of Closer, I'm all for waiting to see sketches until they've been fully sketched out. I think otherwise it might make everything look like a complete mess and disorganized.


Good luck with the relocation and I hope it creates new opportunities and a chance to make new friends. ^^


Good luck! Where ya moving to, if I may ask?


Nice, hope the moving will go well!


Can’t say! One of the reasons I’m moving is because a malicious user doxxed my address a few months back.


Well, the question is... if I get 2 or 3 pages sketched, would you want to see them all at once? Or would you want to see page 1 sketch, have that completed, then see page 2 sketch, complete that, etc etc


Good luck with the move my good artiste!


Good luck moving! Not complaining about the winner at all. As for the closer pages, I prefer to see them in sequence personally.


Try and do a few before the move man ;)


Good luck on your move.