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You may have noticed updates have been a little dry the past two weeks. First of all, I want to apologize, because I've already established a pace and standard of quality for released pages of the current comic, and recent weeks have been unsatisfactory to both myself and many of you. I've been under some considerable stress the past month and was sick for a portion of last week, but it's really no excuse on the whole. I'm already making efforts to change my schedule and availability in order to maintain the consistent output you expect from me. Page 7 of Mystic Tantra is already sketched, and I'll be working on it over the weekend with a personal goal of bringing a page per week as a minimum.

On a lighter note, there are some exciting things I'd like to share and hint at.

My experiments in 3D modeling and rendering are approaching what I think is a potential emergence of quality animation that meets or exceeds my own personal expectations. I'm no stranger to animation or 3D modeling, but animating complex rigs in 3D and using the tools I've grown accustomed to for that purpose to may or may not have matured to an acceptable level of polish. Time and further tests will show if I'm up to the task, but I'm confident and hopeful.

I've also put together a new workstation PC that is acting as my art rig, 3D rendering slave, and all around workhorse. I couldn't be happier with how well it performs. Streaming should also see noticeable improvements in quality, and many of the headaches I experienced with wacom drivers and photoshop misbehaving on the mac platform seem to be ironed out in windows.

Thank you, all of you, for your wonderful support and patience! I'm so close to my goal of taking art full time, and I know I would never have gotten so far in my dream of doing art for a living without your help. I look forward to the future and what great things are on the horizon.



Its alright good to hear from you


Nice. Are you still sticking with Blender and Renderman or are you going with GPU rendering?


Renderman all the way. I've done tests in both platforms and Renderman is far and away the most beautiful and artistically flexible render solution I've ever used. Hell, I'm pretty sure the sheer hair count would be prohibitive to VRAM, even for a single character.


zaush sometimes life throws at us what we can't handle. Having to take breaks is okay I'm sure everyone is okay with what happened and is glad you're okay. I know I am.


No worries, your art is beautiful and i'll continue to do my best to support that. If I have to wait some time longer for your art because you needed time to recover or deal with personal matter then so be it. Art can't be rushed, that being said, however, can't wait to see what beautiful piece you make next, stay well and healthy.


Thanks! Most of what I've got lined up for the near future is the zootopia comic, but I really, really want to dive into 3D animation that is of a caliber matching disney features. I'm not capable of rendering crowd scenes or anything beyond a few characters, but quality and appeal are my highest priority.


Adam, I'm glad you gave us an update on your situation. It goes a long way in letting us know you care about us and our opinions! We appreciate your effort and hard work and continue to look forward to experiencing the epic and awesome artwork and skill you bring to the community. Sometimes, in your line of work, it seems you cant take some time off very often but a sick day or some vacation time is a necessity that proves your human like the rest of us. I'm happy to continue being your patron and look forward to seeing you improve as you move into the realm of 3D art! TTYL Zaush!


Thank you! I appreciate your support and everyone else's, and sometimes wish I could do more to reward that generosity. A more efficient lifestyle and workflow are the first steps.


I'm looking forward to those animations and yes quality and appeal is a good priority, but never above your own mental or physical health. I learned that last year when I had to deal with major Heath problems then mental health problems i'll spare you the details, needless to say I learned that despite being a creator who's promised to give out content, you can't sacrifice your own life for that no matter the demand.


Balance is key, and so is finding an inner peace with yourself and your emotional state.


Indeed it is I must go now, but please remember we appreciate all you've given us over the years before patreon even, I think you've earned your self that time you needed to recover. Until next time my friend.


Exciting stuff! Its good to see more people getting into what I can presume will be high quality 3D animation. I look forward to seeing what you'll do with it. I'm no stranger to it myself, so if you ever need any help or whatever, feel free to send me a note. Then again, I personally don't use Blender. :)


Blender is just my comfort zone, and I've gotten very good results using it, but I'm also open to trying new things if they're genuinely better. Hit me up on a DM!


I actually only made a patreon to support you, and that was about 2/3 days ago, but so far I'm pretty damn happy. You try and keep up with every comment, and you try to have frequent updates about what's going on in your life to keep us noted. Keep that up and try to do the best you can with updating your art frequently and you'll be golden ~ well then again to me you already are. So just have to say Love your art work and you're a big inspiration so keep it up man :) I'll keep supporting you for as long as I can.


Thanks a bunch! My goal is most certainly to keep everyone here happy with new stuff and updating as frequent as I possibly can.


I can see that doing this comic may have gave you a bit more work. And it's totally understandable about getting a little stress out. I joined because not only the comic but for your art style. And I was really curious on how you draw and color your pieces because I love to learn from different artists and supporting them in any way I can. And seeing that an non animator being interested in a 3D modeling program and learned so new things is really awesome! I just started learning the basics of animating and your experience made me curious and glad as well. So don't worry about forcefully getting a page done on a certain date. Just seeing you work on is more than enough and I hope to catch your future streams!


All good, hope everything is smoothing out for you and glad you're feeling better!

Riot Goes Woof

Glad to hear all is well. If you ever need any voice acting for an animation,let me know! Always wanted to get in to voice work :p


It is just like any other job. Absolutely no need to apologize for pushed deadlines due to real life circumstances.

Monsieur Foxy

Yay for 3D! Also, what are the specs on your rendering rig?


thanks for the update. Dont worry about delays, life happens. Me and your followers can wait for your Fantastic art. We prefer you healthy today, tomorrow, aways. It is inevitable that you transpire the art that inspires us all when you are well. :)


Life happens man. Don't worry about it at all.