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PastelCore (https://twitter.com/Pastel_teeth) Asked for some help shading one of her pieces, and also wanted some tips on rendering cum. This wasn't as refined as I'd normally do, but it shows some of the important principles I use for shading and shadow. Let me know if any of you would want to see a video based tutorial like this.

I'm also including the PSD so people can learn from this!




that fuckin birb. X3 too damn cute hehe

Asher Tail

Nice I'd love to see a video tutorial!


Tutorial sounds really interesting! Your work really inspires me to try and bring my own imagination to life, but it's rather daunting, not knowing where to begin...seeing all the layering in PS is very informative!

Pickles (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 09:12:17 いつも素敵な作品ありがとうございます! 先生の色遣いが更にどんどん洗練されていくの素敵です〜✨
2017-05-11 11:44:18 Any tutorials on shading or coloring would be very helpful.

Any tutorials on shading or coloring would be very helpful.


That is really awesome that you are sharing tips :) some artists try to keep techniques secrets but it isnt like someone is going to completely copy your technique at first maybe to learn but eventually everyone ends up doing their own thing


sploop sploop


Some people have coffee when they first wake up. Some have cream with their coffee. Now it seems, some simply have only cream as their morning pick me up!