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Hi! Here's a little progression of this image, one I did last year. I'm experimenting with the inline images feature.

It all starts with a sketch, I like to keep these loose so I can toss out or erase from it without feeling married to the result. The messier your sketch in the early phase, the better.

Sometimes it helps to just toss photographic elements into the scene to match up with your sketch, then paint over them until there's nothing left of the material to pieced together.

A bit of shading on the flats, then I merge down the linework into the rough color and paint on a single layer. (This is only for lineless painted pieces)

Then we have our finished work! The client asked for an altered version with less sauce, so it's a good thing I kept the mess on a separate layer. More layers can be more unwieldy to edit, but allow you to be flexible and make changes late in the painting process.

Hopefully you enjoyed this progression article, I may do more of these if people find them useful!




Reading this feels like something out of the learn to draw like Zaush Do-it-yourself art book you find in Barnes and nobles it's cool to see the progression. lol Don't ask where I found such a book..xD

Crash Azarel

Really good and cool too see the progression!


Wooow *___*