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Starting in December, I am planning to set some goals for the following year. I am writing these here, and pinning this to the campaign, so that you all can see, and hold me accountable to these goals. These are defined and achievable metrics, not shooting for the moon. It should be stated that exceeding the goal is allowed, these are the minimums that I want to attain.


2022 Goals

Active Goals

1.  Complete 2 fully colored drawings each month (Not including the rewards images)

2. Write at least 2 chapters of any story each month.

3. Do at least 1 Picarto stream a month.

4. Get at least 5 hours of work on either games or coding done a month.

Passive Goals

1. Increase Patronage to 250 total patrons.

2. Increase Discord Membership to 1000 users.


I will do my best to reach these monthly goals, and I hope that I can count on all of you to help keep me accountable to them for the next year.


Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Very best way to improve productivity is to have deadlines. Happy for you.


Good goals