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Anyone who debates these sorts of topics has some theory on the origins of everything. The Big Bang, Where all matter in the universe sprung into existence and the hot mess of quarks and indistinct electrons and neutrons cooled to form the first elements, the first stellar nursery forming to spread stars across the cosmos. There is evidence of this, we can record background radiation in the universe that confirms this as a solid theory of how it all came to be.

But how did it happen? Where did all that matter come from to begin with? What prompted it to start? 

These are the questions I aim to tackle with my hypothesis. I will cover the Hypothesis of the “Big Crunch” and how it relates to my own. I will try to explain how all the matter in the universe came to be, and how it knew when to begin.

First off, it is important to cover the Big Crunch Hypothesis. The Big Crunch is a hypothesis that posits that over the course of time, the force of gravity will exponentially increase as blackholes grow and devour each other, eventually overcoming the other forces in the universe and pulling all matter back towards the center until all matter converges in the center of a single super singularity. At which point it hits a sort of critical mass that yet defies our understanding of the physical universe when it is contained in a space no larger than a single atom. It then posits that another Big Bang will occur and a new universe will be created out of the recycled material, and the cycle will continue ad infinitum. 

This idea was something I thought of from a young age, but as I thought about it more, I came to another conclusion. 

I do think that after a long period of time, all matter in the universe will be drawn back to a great attractor, not “the” great attractor, that is a topic for a different paper. Once the mass becomes great enough it will start to suck everything into itself and become the super singularity. However, the gravitational forces at work would be immense, and we know that gravity bends not just space, but also time. It is my hypothesis that the universe does not continue ad infinitum, but instead is a closed loop.

In my hypothesis, if you were to be able to survive falling into a singularity, the closer you get to the center, you would actually start to go back in time, and because time itself is being altered, you would in fact be descending further and further into the original super singularity. Imagine if you will, all black holes in the universe are connected instead of separate, not physically, but temporally. Imagine a funnel extending downward through time to a single point. 

In essence, in this hypothesis, the answer to “When did the Big Bang happen?” is easy. Right now. It also happened 14 billion years ago. It’s also happening 80 billion years from now. Time is only perceived on a linear scale by those on that scale, the universe is not limited to our perception.

How it knew to start is simple as well, it always started then, it wasn’t ever waiting for a starting gun, that is just the point in time that it began. Humans like to think of things how we perceive things, linearly. So when we thing about the origin of the universe, we like to think that it sat here, for a long time, with nothing, and then just exploded for no reason. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, nor did the universe, it all started at that exact moment, so when did it know to start is not the right question to ask. The answer is, Yes. It started.

However, I have yet to address where all the matter came from, how it all got here to begin with. Well, in an infinite loop, there is no start, there is no end. It technically came from nowhere, it was always here, everything was always everywhere. To a linear brain, this is hard to fathom, but if you remove the idea of the timeline, where fixed points in spacetime are just that, fixed, you can see that everything is simultaneously inside the super singularity, and also where we are now, and also stretching to very edges of existence as the heat death of the universe occurs. These are not separate occasions on a grand timeline, these are all happening, at the same time. If you were a 4 Dimensional being, not just able to perceive snippets of the 4th dimension, but able to peer into it and observe it in its entirety. You would see the universe in this way. In a perpetual state of death, rebirth and life. Such is the nature of a closed loop.

This also leads me into another fun hypothesis that meshes with this, and that is my hypothesis on Déjà vu. I also subscribe to the “Many Worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics, that posits that any and all actions that can be taken, regardless of how big or small they may be, do happen, and diverge the universe into different quantum timelines. These all happen and coexist together along the same linear axis, as we perceive it. However they are separated by forces that we do not yet understand and cannot yet control. 

It is my firm belief, that Déjà vu happens when you come in close proximity to another quantum self, in the same physical space, doing the same physical task, and even thinking the same thoughts, and that on some level, your unconscious minds become aware of one another, and you get the sensation of familiarity to your setting.

Imagine if you will, that the timeline of your life is not really a line, but an infinitely large space with a beginning point, and an ending point. Along this space, everything you’ve ever done, whether it be as big as deciding whether or not to climb Everest, or if you should take a breath sooner than your body’s autonomic systems dictated. Each event creates a million divergent branches and then split into their own and so on and so forth until the end, where countless numbers of “yous” end. Some end sooner, and those branches stop far earlier, but the number of you that reach the end is still rather impressive, good for you.

Each of these smaller choices, really don’t diverge the paths of these timelines all that much, say if you breath earlier instead of later, that isn’t going to split the space time continuum asunder, but if you have a slightly larger divergence, say stopping to read something for a second, or getting distracted by something before continuing along your path. This can diverge the paths enough to create a cognitive dissonance between you and the other quantum you. Normally, the other “yous” are so similar to your current state, that you are unaware of them, there is nothing odd to perceive, but in my hypothesis, when you reconverge with a branching path that is off by just enough, there is enough different in your mental states that your unconscious mind become aware of each other.

This of course starts to touch on the idea of a human collective unconscious and the mind or soul transcending that which we can perceive as the physical three-dimensional plane of existence and all that, but again, that is a subject for a different paper.

I hope you all enjoyed this delve into my thoughts on the origins of the universe. I would greatly appreciate your input and welcome any opposing thoughts or other insights you all care to provide. I appreciate you reading to the end, and hope you are having a great day! Remember, you are valid, you are loved, and you are wanted.

Kari G.