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Hey guys, so as you may or may not know, I am currently on medical leave from work. I have a Lumbar Radiculopathy which is causing shooting pain in my legs if I am not laying down.

As such, I have a lot of free time on my hands. I recently got a new device to help with drawing while prone, and I plan to really start drawing in earnest and perhaps build back up the Patreon.

My goal at this point would be $700 a month, as I would need to make at least that to make my Student loan and Car loan payments and so on. If we could hit that, I am still formulating a good reward. In the mean time. I am getting back into the swing of it, and you should expect a higher flow of arts.



good luck! and smart use of time. Hope your situation improves.

Heather Graham

Oh man! Good luck and I look forward to the new content. I just wish it wasn't at the expense of your health :(