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Hey all, another update here. I know I am sounding like a broken record but I am still having issues that is hindering my work. I am always dizzy, and sitting up or standing causes a lot of problems, as such I've been tied to my bed or my couch for the last 10 days or so. Doctors say it's most likely an ear infection that just got pretty bad, been on antibiotics with little effect on it but am hopeful still. 

I am very behind at this point, as soon as I am able I will get to work on commissions, and to make up for the lack of regular Patreon rewards this month I will do something extra special, probably another comic, that I will make exclusive for all the $5+ Patrons as a sorry and a thank you for your patience at this time. I will also increase the regular rewards for next month by 1 for both $5 and $10+ Patrons. 

I am really sorry about this, I will try and get some more work done soon but while my head is messed up like this it makes it difficult.

Thanks for your support and you patience during this period.




Take care of yourself mate.