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Hi guys! I'm reaching the end of my list and will be ready to take on new work by late August / early September. I know a few of you joined up because I take commissions through Patreon first, so here's your chance!

Options and pricing are here: http://shinigamigirl.weebly.com/commissions.html

TOS that you must agree to before commissioning me: http://shinigamigirl.weebly.com/tos.html

I can take on any type of commission but would rather not work on full background traditional illustrations at the moment (no/simple background traditional absolutely welcomed!). I find that they're just too stressful for me and would rather render complex scenes digitally. Would love a chance to work on some more color stuff besides badges, if anyone has the inclination! But open to whatever you guys would like to get, aside from the aforementioned full bg traditional. :)

You can send me commission inquiries/descriptions/refs through private messages on here or email shinigamigirl at shinigamigirl dot com - Again, I won't be able to start until late this month/early next, but I can make a list and contact people in order as I'm able to start on individual pieces. You do not have to pay until I'm ready to start on yours!

PS.: Grippy and Cuon Alpinus, check your PMs, I owe you sketch rewards from previous months, tell me what you'd like! :P


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