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Since the last several months have been focused on the minigames and the menus, I decided I'm now going to work on revamping the way the core game of Club Valentine plays!

I've been really disappointed with how it plays for a long time, and I've decided it's time to totally revamp the way the level structure works!

Now, rather than each level being made of 3 linear stages, they take place on one large, open stage. Patrons and waitresses will spawn in random locations, and areas of the stage will open up based on the time elapsed. Each stage will have its own time limit (probably between 2 and 7 minutes), increasing based on difficulty and the size of the stage.

For scoring, the pars for each stage will change from being based on how many drinks you should serve to how many patrons you're expected to serve within the time limit.

I've gotten quite a bit of this added in already, so I hope I can have it finished enough to be playtested soon! I think it's much more interesting and fun than what the game as been so far.


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