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I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety lately, so I'm not really happy with how much has been done so far these past two months.

Either way, this new build has two big things: Updates to the lapdance minigame, and a new polish change for waiters!

Waiters will now telegraph that they're about to start moving better now, by having a new animation frame where they will turn from standing and start walking. They also tend to look in the direction they're about to move in for a moment.

I've mainly been working on improving the ui for the lapdance minigame.

It takes a lot of precise tweaking to get stuff like this looking good! Now that I'm pretty happy with how the request display looks, I think next week I'll focus on the progress meter. I'd like it to be a little more subtle, so as to not distract from the animations too much.


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