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This week, I got a good handful of tweaks and fixes in! I actually can't quite remember them all, but here are the main ones:

  • Fixed scoring being bugged again
  • Changed all the preexisting time pars to be 10 seconds longer
  • Added time pars for levels 5 and 6
  • Made it so the message popups in the tutorial stay on the screen for as long as you're in the area
  • Recalculated the way jumping from a pole works so it feels better
  • Added new sprites for the little bouncy blimps

These weird looking bouncy floating bread loafs are actually little blimp drones! The big red squares will eventually be advertisements. The technology of the near future is truly wonderful.

I originally added these after playing through the Crash Bandicoot games. I thought it was fun having to bounce repeatedly off of a moving platform, plus they're a bit easier to use than the one-bounce balloons. I kind of ended up not using them that much, though... Maybe they'll show up more in later levels.


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