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So! We've started trying to get things finished up enough to get a demo of the game's first two weeks out publicly! I think having a closer set goal will greatly help pick up the pace of development.

This week we worked on graphics for cutscenes, I polished some writing, and did some other little tweaks here and there that I couldn't quite remember when I was writing this down. In the coming weeks I'd like to make some new music and sound effects too.

In the meantime, here's a bit of dialog that has an image that is no longer a boring white box:

Soon there'll also be a proper background (they're in a cafe) and Nina will be in her casual outfit instead.

And here are some lovely sketches by Dakk of Carol in her lingerie that you'll be able to see during her photoshoot..!

They're being "inked" in pixel art, and there's a third pose that's yet to be sketched.

Lastly, there were a few new portraits Dakk did this week. There's a lot of emotes Carol and friends need!

Be sure to show Dakk some appreciation for his hard work! Club Valentine wouldn't be half the game it is without him! <3

Meanwhile, I have a lot of coding and level polish and writing to do for the game to be ready for the demo...


Monday: Started on images for day 6's photoshoot.

Tuesday: Continued work on photoshoot images.

Wednesday: Fixed some errors with the dog patron's sprite offsets.  Continued work on photoshoot images.

Thursday: (Dakk)Finished image for day 3 and started on Carol's Surprised emote. Fixed offset for when the fox patron is laying on a lounge.

Friday: (Dakk)Made Surprised and Awkward emotes for Carol and Tired emote for Nina. Started on break room cutscene background.

Saturday: (Dakk)Made Crash emote for Nina.


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