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     Here comes Max, Mister September! He's sweet, lighthearted, and as squishy-soft as can be! Everyone loves having Max around because of his soft-spoken kindness. He's always happy to help when lifting or heights are involved, and he's a good listener too.

     Max is from around Sweetport and loves his family and friends. He lives with his best friend Hiroshi, and they're never far apart. Max learned from his family how to sew at an early age, so he's always crafting gifts for people. It's a good thing Hiroshi enjoys receiving gifts, because Max makes him something practically weekly!

     Helen is a family friend of Max's, so it was no surprise she hired him. At Club Valentine, Max is loved by co-workers and patrons alike- He may be big, but nobody minds bumping into him because he's so soft! Max even runs a weekly crafts club with Rory and Helen at the club that dozens of regulars come to. Hiroshi comes in handy here, because he can model the things Max makes for him.

     In private, Max is as sweet and soft as ever, and loves having cute small partners wriggle underneath him as he whispers into their ear. Those big paws and thighs also come in handy for gently pinning people down...

Random fact: Max designed the pattern for the masculine Club Valentine uniform, while Helen designed the feminine one.

Likes: Lazy days, boxed wine, video games (he goes easy on Hiroshi)

Dislikes: His feminine voice, oily fur conditioner, tight pants

Kinks: Laying on top of his partner, rubbing off his partner, cute boys in stockings

Next week: Rory!



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