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   Say a gentle hello to Rose, Club Valentine's Miss July! She's terribly shy and quiet, so you might wonder why she works there in the first place. Well, Rose actually loves the place, and adores the parties and loud music! But she prefers to experience it from afar, quietly taking in the energy from the crowd.

   Though Rose may not talk much, it's not because she dislikes people. Rather, she has a terrible stutter and is uncomfortable with how her voice sounds, so she just doesn't talk much. She's a great listener though, and while she may not make eye contact much, she does enjoy being talked to.

   Candace is Rose's best friend, and they often hang out together after work. Though Rose can't play any instruments (or maybe she's just too shy to in front of people), she's always at Candace's band rehearsals and goes to every concert, helping out in any way she can. She loves to listen to Candace blabber on about anything, and when things get too overwhelming for Rose, Candace is always there to help her calm down.

Random fact: Rose is a hugely successful EDM artist... but she keeps that life on the Internet.

Likes: Scrapbooking, reading blogs, rain at night

Dislikes: Touching things, being deadnamed, questions that can't be answered by nodding

Kinks: Watching other people being intimate, being watched while masturbating, being squished into Candace's boobs

Next week: Hiroshi!



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