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the build which I uploaded early today had some huge issue with grabbing mechanic so I fixed that (maybe)

I'm really sorry for that.

the build might still have issues so if you find it, tell me. (the kazya's sprite is eorking weird is not a glitch). I kinda sure what caused this but still worried about this problem...


sorry for not uploading ver.0.6 today. I feel sick and not feeling well mentally so I decided to take a rest today.


・2 bosses: Goddess/devil skunk and huge skunk

 ・title screen and ending

・Kazya and the game is now beatable



Aiden Olney

Yeah, I think you need a break every once and a while because it's also important for you to be healthy. So take some time off and relax or do something else we'll wait.

Liam Julien

the secret twin angel and demon boss cant grab you when you have been defeated