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This is the test witch you guys going to test if the new function works.
There is a 3 charapic animation, 4 cut in, 2 fart cloud animation.
You are in the small poorly made map with skunk 2 running to you. When skunk 2 touches you, you will have 0.8s chance of counter to escape from her. If you failed, the cut in starts. In the cut in, you will have to mash space key to break free from her. When you traped long, she will blast a huge fart on you. There is no game over or any HP stuff in this so I didn't put it this time but if you get blasted, you will take a damage.

If you find any bugs. Just comment it here. I want you to do what you think people won't do if you want. Hope you like it!






algumas vezes a animação trava, ao apertar espaço uma vez ja é o suficiente pra sair e tbm a legenda continua mesmo com o personagem fora da cena


the kneeling animation sometimes switches to another or exits after 1 second


It works fine for me. I've only noticed a couple bugs. - Low priority: the transition to the huge blast is magnified and off center slightly leaving the previous image visible behind it. I am unfamiliar with the software you are using to make this game so I don't know if you can control this. However it might be possible to compensate for it through adjustments in the image you are transitioning to or from. -- Medium priority: the player character can continue to move after being caught for quite a while leaving the space bar inoperable until the skunk sprite catches up ; mashing the space bar works for the first encounter then doesn't reset after escape, this allows escape after one press of space bar when captured again.


If you are standing still, and move one space forward as soon as Skunk2 moves to your current space, the game will register two separate encounters. Sometimes it will load two different cut ins, and the second cut in will play instead of the first cut in. The cut in where the protagonist is facing left towards Skunk2's anus also has a small issue (the cut in where the protagonist's face is towards Skunk2's anus and is not drawn). After failing to escape and receiving Skunk2's fart blast, the protagonist's body remains visible throughout the animation, and is not dirtied at all. Also, if this cut in is the first cut in for a double registered encounter, the protagonists body will remain overlaid on top of whichever cut in plays second. This same issue happens with the kneeling cut in animation (when the protagonist is on his hands and knees and receiving Skunk2's farts). If this cut in is first during a double registered encounter, Skunk2's butt will remain overlaid on the screen during whichever other cut in plays. After escaping the first encounter, if you are caught by a double registered encounter, and it loads the same cut in twice, the huge fart blast sometimes happens a lot faster than usual.


Thanks for the information guyyyys


the idea is sweet! Just a few glitches I found: After escaping the encounter and just stay in the same position, you can't get encountered by her - both of you can just stay in the same block and she wont catch you. The second one is that you dont need to actually mash the space - I don't know if it's supposed to work like this, but I can just press spacebar after some time only once and get off. Also, you could make her move a bit faster and maybe decrease the 0.8s chance of counter to escape from her to, for example, 0.5s You're doing really good job, keep it up! I hope you continue to work on your other games!


if you escape JUST as the skunk does the big fart, you will get out of the attack screen but still be blasted (the fart images are still there). don't know if i explained it properly, shouldn't be too much of an issue tho :)


The idea is good. I look forward to continuing. However, I found another bug. This happened to me once, so I don't know if it's worth fixing it or not. There was a situation when I was caught, and after 2 seconds the frame switched to another. However, I was unable to press ENTER to escape. Fortunately, it was once, but all I understood was that you can't press ENTER quickly as soon as you are caught. This can lead to many bugs.


me mada o teu, se preferir o discord é mais facil kkkk


where is 0.7?