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Thank you always for your support. This is Rebis!

This artwork doesn't mean the Prina comic is restarting right now, but...

I've been saying here and there that my passion for Futa seems to be reviving recently.
So, as a form of rehabilitation, I've decided to draw a 2023 version of Prina in between my main tasks!


This Prina seems to have a slightly taller head and body ratio, I think...?

As a character I've been drawing for years, it's interesting to see how my drawing style and preferences at each moment are reflected.
I will never neglect the ongoing Rimu manga and "Harem Academy" projects, but I'd also like to challenge myself to restart Futa-themed works.

In relation to that, I am currently progressing with the editing of "complete collection" type works.

This might be unfamiliar to my international audience, but on Japanese platforms such as FANZA, there is an increasing number of artists who are selling a bundled collection of all their past works at a discounted price.
I too have occasionally done similar things during Black Friday sales, but now I'm considering registering on FANZA.
I thought that it would be a good idea to update Prina's image, especially since I will be lining up many characters on the package image.

This product is in Japanese, so it may not be particularly necessary for my international readers.
If you are interested in collecting my old Japanese works and you don't already own them, this could be a good opportunity.

In this product, I will include some old doujinshi that have not been digitized until now (including "Asia no Taka" and "Kuroko doujin").
But! I must say, it's not meant for you to spend a high amount on just for these.
These remastered works will be added to the past work archive of this support site.

For those who say "I have all the digital versions of Rebis, but I'd love to have remastered versions of the old non-digitized works", please consider supporting with that tier when new works are added.

Editing the complete works and remastering old works won't take too much time...
I think I can do it while also working on my ongoing series. Thank you!














でも! それを目当てに高額なものをお買い上げいただくわけにはいきません。







Richard Reynolds

Prina, my beloved! I’ve always enjoyed her adventures and I’ve always hoped to see more. I’m glad you’re looking for ways to bring her back, even with all the other projects you juggle. If I had the resources, what I would give to see an original animation series of Prina … if only~


I've been waiting for you to return to the Prina series, it's the only reason I'm subscribed!