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Dayummm life is exhausting right now. I'm finding it very difficult to balance working pretty much full time, YouTube, boyfriend, friends, family and applying for grad jobs. I'm pretty much working from the moment I wake up but hopefully it'll pay off in the end. This means that videos may not be as frequent as they have been, but I hope that you'll all continue to support me as I'll always give the best I can to YouTube. I've said this soooo many times before and I'll say it again, I couldn't do this without you guys! Anyways ima go bed now, got another busy day tomorrow ✌🏼💕



Hi Alyce! I was watching your GTA 5 streams and was wondering...is your PSN public now? I know if you donate like 50 bucks you'll add us on PSN, but can we be in your crew for free? Just curious 😊