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Hello everyone! Now that the Dragon Ball imageset is published the next work will be the next page of the starcraft comic and the miniset of Eddie Brock x Miguel o´hara x Peter B.Parker. However, in this post you can suggest the characters you want to star in the next sets.

With the new system implemented in the last poll, the suggestion that won third place has the votes guaranteed for the poll, HOWEVER, that entrant will only be considered if is suggested by someone.

You can also send me your suggestions privately or through my discord (robertsilva2923) in case you want to remain anonymous. I will upload your suggestions for you here.

There will be time until this Monday to send me your suggestions.



Punisher X Man-Spider (Marvel)


Endeavor & Nomu Gangplank & Graves M bison & Zangief


Captain America X Winter Soldier X Falcon, with Falcon dominating Steve and Bucky