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Hello guys! I inform you that next month, active patrons will not be charged.

This is to thank you for your support this month. I have been able to achieve a very important goal, which was to solve a medical emergency for my mother which took us by surprise.

Your support has been of immense help to me. Therefore, I have suspended the charges for September and active patrons will have a free month!

Also, most likely at the end of this month or mid-September I will start working on a new comic project that will be original. This project is based on the story of Gaundar belonging to the imagesets that are available here.

Said tentative title will be "The March of Orcs"!



Glad to hear your mother is doing better. And that's a nice title for the next comic. Can't wait to see what happens!


Woah!! That is so generous of you, thank you!


Wish everything going well!😊


Yeah, family is first. That's good news to hear.


Glad to hear things are a little better. Had been through something similar myself and I know how taxing can it be. Make sure to take breaks though when needed too. You are doing wonderful work man, but make sure to take time for yourself, in order to keep making big bara men for all of us to enjoy ;3