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Hi guys! I inform you in this post 2 things:

1 - the list of suggestions so far. These characters will compete in the poll for the next monthly comic. Remember that this Tuesday is the end of the time to present your suggestions. If there is any character that was suggested to me and is not on the list, please let me know.

Also the Zelda comic starring Link x Ganondorf and a corrupted version of King Rhoam is in development. Pages 1 to 3 are almost finished and will be uploaded as a teaser very soon!

2 - Starcraft Brotherhood: the page is almost finished and will be uploaded tonight!

UPDATE JUNE 12: List updated June 12. At the moment there are 23 suggestions. Patreon allows a maximum of 25 options in its poll, so if there are no more suggestions tomorrow, this would be the final list.



Bryan Whiteman

Oooof Silas and Grog that's a good one

Eric Spearman

Hellboy and Rasputin!!! I am down for that! Hellboy gives in to his base nature! 😱🔥🤤