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This month we've improving a feature that has needed some work. Custom posing should now be more intuitive and much more powerful. We've added some much requested features like finger posing, and now you can freely pose any fixed pose!

We've also added the ability to possess any character at any time! This works similar to the old duo possess system, except now you can control their hands. This is particularly useful if you want to pose a character topping the player. Now make the pose, get the action started, and possess the bottom!

To highlight these new features, we've added a new Emmy/Garret duo meant specifically for possession, animated by someone you may know, Twitchy! This is a long animation with multiple stages that can be advanced separately, that should look pretty good from their perspective when possessing them :3c.

We've significantly updated the mod tools. The tools can found in the mods channel on Discord.

Check out the full changes below and please provide feedback in Discord! Thank you everyone for your continued support of Heat! Your support allows this game to exist!


How to run Heat(Remember you need SteamVR to run the game in VR, and 7zip(recommended) or WinRAR to unpack it.)

Frequently Asked Questions

New Patrons: Patreon is really slow at the beginning of the month and may take a few hours to acknowledge you're a patron for the authentication.

Controls: Oculus/Index:

  • B: Menu
  • A: Radial Menu
  • Thumbstick press: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Joystick: Move
  • Right Joystick: Rotate/Teleport
  • Trigger whilst holding toy: Shoot


I've completely run out of buttons on this thing so you may need to customize the controls in the SteamVR overlay. If you have any suggestion on how best to bind everything, let me know on Discord please.

  • That weird button close to the pad: Menu
  • Grip: Shoot w/ toys
  • Bottom of touchpad: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Touchpad: Move
  • Sides of Right Touchpad: Rotate
  • Top of Touchpad whilst holding toy: Radial Menu


WMR controls change depending on the model, and some actions may be unbound entirely. You can see/edit your bindings by going to the settings in the SteamVR overlay and adjust the bindings and add any missing actions there.

For 2D:

  • ESC: Close/move menu
  • WASD: Move
  • P/L: Switch between VR mode and 2D mode
  • Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down
  • TAB: Open Radial Menu
  • N: Extend tongue/kiss
  • M whilst holding toy: Shoot
  • Click: Grab something when the cursor lights up green
  • R/F, Z/X, T/G: Rotate item in hand
  • Mouse Wheel: Move object away or towards the camera
  • Mouse: Rub something when the hand moves in Debug Keys:
  • I: Make character erect
  • C: Make character climax



  • Improve new Garret/Emmy anim animations
  • Dick state will now be saved when loading a saved pose
  • Allow loading older poses with the new system, might be a little off though
  • Fix verifyintegrity FOR REAL THIS TIME (I hope)
  • Fix broken Atlas audio
  • Make it easier to grab sliders in the radial menu
  • Increase size of finger posing menu as well
  • When ending possession, put player back where they were
  • Fix grabbing some parts of Marina
  • Fix Emmy/Garret look at toggle in new pose
  • Radial menu will now deactivate when possessing
  • Auto advance scenes in the new duo can now be toggled off
  • Fix three characters int the Sauna
  • Fix look logic after grabbing head
  • Fix Garret's ghost dick in his new duo pose
  • Ghost hands for Marina will no longer have collision
  • Fix Hera toe animations
  • Disable autothrust when posing
  • Fix things breaking if people spam the pose buttons (don't do that)
  • Fix nipple sucking breaking sometimes
  • Fix their heads spazzing out sometimes
  • Possibly fix ghost penetration
  • Improve Riley/Garret boop response
  • Fix cases when the character is thrusting or sucking and gets possessed
  • Improve Astera's head grab rotation limits
  • Fix grabbing hips with 2 hands and then it breaking
  • Fix loading thumb poses
  • Fix derpy Atlas eyes when kissing


  • You can now possess any character at any time, including custom poses. Give this a shot to make bottoming easier
  • Add toe posing
  • Using different hands to pose the head will no longer assassinate characters by breaking their necks
  • Fix being sent to the shadow realm when exiting possession in 2d mode
  • Improve transitions of the new Emmy/Garret duo and add more stages
  • Cleanup old rig stuff and refactor some head state things
  • Fix some RGB issues with Astera during her boop
  • Improve responsiveness of grabbing character's head
  • A few fixes for future mod package
  • Fix Astera floating in bedroom


  • Re-do a lot of the character posing system to behave a lot better
  • Possessing characters in duo poses will now give you control of the character hands
  • Added a new duo Garret/Emmy animation that's multi-stage, meant specifically for possession. Advance to the next state through the UI
  • Character shoulders can now be grabbed and rotated
  • Add a tail collision toggle in custom posing menu
  • Add finger posing controls to the radial menu
  • Grabbing character's heads will now allow you to pose their upper body. Grab their heads and pull them in for a kiss :3c
  • Add ghost hands to show where characters can be grabbed to be posed
  • Added twist to character's arms and legs so their wrists and arms should turn smoother when rotating their wrist
  • Loading poses will check if they're in the right location now
  • Allowed every pose to be poseable
  • Add Alternative atlas textures to fullbody player
  • Improve radial menu item placement
  • Add atlas masturbating pose
  • Fix missing inflation anims
  • Big refactor for the character's internal head controllers since the system was a huge kludge before
  • Add ghost hands as a non fullbody hand option
  • Remove Astera texture compression for better text clarity
  • Fix your finger growing back if garret bites your bit finger again

Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing (let me know if this still happens, I may have fixed it)
  • Browser doesn't launch when hitting authenticate, or refuses to connect: Try running in admin mode or setting a different browser to default temporarily

Common Solutions to Game Issues

These are common solutions to many problems, ranging from the tongue not spawning to the game not launching in VR, or the game not authenticating. Try these out first if you're having issues, they work surprisingly often. If they don't work, message me and I'll be glad to help.

All issues (try these first):

  • Right click on verifyintegrity.ps1 and select 'Run with PowerShell' to validate your files. If this fails, redownload the game. The download got corrupted.
  • Make sure the game isn't installed within any folders that have winky faces or other unusual characters in them
  • Restart the game and your computer

Auth issues:

  • If you have a localhost error in your browser, press the auth trouble button below the authenticate button and follow the directions exactly.
  • Check "use alternate port" below the authenticate button
  • Run the game as admin
  • Make sure an antivirus isn't messing with Heat
  • Make sure game is let through firewall
  • Set a different browser to default temporarily
  • Disable adblocker temporarily
  • Disable any security that could prevent your computer from opening a socket and accepting a connection temporarily

VR issues:

  • Adding the game as a non-steam game then running from within SteamVR (if not working in VR)
  • Press P to switch to 2D mode and L to switch to VR mode on your keyboard
  • If your hands don't work, reset SteamVR bindings for the game. If you can't do this, launch the game from the .exe, not from the Steam shortcut
  • If you're using Oculus and the game doesn't launch in VR, launch SteamVR and sit in it for about 30 seconds then run the game from within SteamVR
  • Reinstall/validate SteamVR and Oculus software
  • Update video drivers
  • Clicking on the game window with your mouse when the game is open then putting on your VR headset (if the UI laser doesn't work)



No way y’all got twitchyanimations to do poses for you? That’s awesome


finally, an update for the bottoms!! there were only one or two positions that would kind of work previously, definitely gonna try this out :3


What a great day to be following this game. An update comes out, and my Riley Body Pillow cover arrived. x3


Sorry to bother,, just wondering anyone figure out how to go fullsceeen … like make the deaktop mode fill the whole screen? Please would appreciate some help


fisting when???


Would it be possible to add like an extra setting for Micro/Macro, that the character is big, and i'm small, and i can be in their mouth or butthole, like Vore kinda :D


Hi it's possible to change the keyboard Keys? Because i have not the VR and i'm on AZERTY keyboard


it says i cant extract it


Don't you have your own body model


I am just interested in testing the game just because I plan on using it to make my resume look good. Before you ask I am a game design student I finish school next year.