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Riley's here! Hooray!

This test build, as usual with new characters, is a bit of a scramble. Characters are always a ton of work and a ton of uncertainty, and coordinating animations and voice acting and getting everything put together is a ton of work and stress.

Riley, thankfully, is mostly ready, but there's still a few things to work on. Most notably, those cute socks of his aren't quite ready. He's also got a few new poses on the way (some pose buttons won't work), and his breathing sounds are going to be updated.  He also needs a boop response anim :P

The main reason for this test build, however, is the fluid engine. The current fluid engine looks pretty good, but the performance on lower spec systems is quite poor, and due to that performance we have to remove the cum quite quickly from the scene, so as to not bog down the framerate.

Fred has spent the last 2 weeks implementing a new fluid engine into Heat, but it also has it's limitations. It performs much better during runtime, but requires some processing when the character's poses change, and it looks different from our old engine. It allows us much more control over the fluid, but some of it's limitations are impossible to fix. It It can still use some tweaks, namely to it's appearance, but the base functionality is there.

We don't want to spend more time on the new engine if people don't like it, so please provide feedback on which fluid engine you prefer, old, or new, in the testers discord (preferred) or in the comments here. We can also try optimizing the old engine a bit, but probably not by much. I'm afraid 'option for both' isn't a possibility, though. 

Oh, also, the toys can shoot cum now, just press the thumbstick in while holding one (or down on the pad on the vive)



  • Riley sockies!
  • Added Riley pose 2 and his animated pose 5!
  • Update tooltips on UI
  • Make Atlas' goo THICCER
  • improved the look of the fluids
  • Toys now only spoo once per trigger pull
  • Toys now spoo with trigger as well as thumbstick down
  • Toys will bump up a bit when spooing
  • Only held toys will now spoo
  • Add scrollbar and names to credits
  • Fix Riley's collar clipping and other minor fixes
  • Attempt to improve Riley's balls physics
  • Update Riley's icon
  • Improve system by which characters close their eyes when they get cummed at
  • Internal clean ups
  • Fix Riley jitter from way too much coffee in his 'side' pose
  • Implement a different slap system, hopefully this will work for those for whom it doesn't work
  • Fix Riley spank noises


  • Forgot an internal component the the glory hole area
  • fixed fluidamount 0 errors
  • fixed fluids looking differently in glory hole area
  • fixed phantom fluid dick on the boys
  • hopefully fix fluids on AMD cards


  • Added Riley! :O
  • New fluid engine! :O
  • Toys can now shoot cum, press the thumbstick in while holding one (or down on the pad on the vive)
  • Hopefully fixed some users unable to get slaps to occur on characters
  • Fixed characters looking at unused toys
  • Make it less likely the boy's dicks will fly off into the stratosphere when spawning for the first time



YAY! I've been waiting for Riley


With Riley, the 5th pose option will not load


Yeah some of the poses aren't implemented yet. They'll be done soon!


On a GTX 1060 and i5-6600k; The fluid simulation is way smoother and I honestly like the way it looks so far. Riley is also insanely adorable.


Love the fluid animation!! Also, I saw that there were socks in the photos. Will that be included in the full build?


New fluid sim runs way better! My headset doesn't freeze for half a second when someone cums now. Only thing to complain about it in my opinion is that it doesn't move with characters as of right now.


First off, riley is AWESOME! With the new fluid engine, it did run very smoothly, one thing i'd point out is that when the nut lands on a surface, it stops interacting with other physics. Like in riley's 1st position, he lays back down after he cums but the cum itself stays floating where he was. But over all, absolutely amazing work


I was just curious if there will be an option in the milestone update to have Riley without the socks and sleeves? I am digging him having just the collar tbh. Other than that, the new fluid engine is awesome, I can have max fluid amount without there being an obnoxious loading screen.


Just joined up after a friend pointed this to me and I must say i`m impressed. I`m using the Oculus Quest 2 and it runs pretty perfectly :) Some great looking models and interactions. Will there ever be a point where you will be able to see all of yourself or at least other...err...parts? Either way keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing what comes next :)


Will you guys add a herm character in the future or will it be strictly male/female?


we'll be adding trans characters and those with various naughty bits yes, possibly as an option for Riley


that would require full body tracking so isn't planned for the moment

kevsky Draws

I got excited to see the new fluid system, but for some reason it doesn’t work. I put the fluids to max and when the characters cum, nothing comes out, tried it with zero but still nothing comes out. I do have AMD so maybe that is the issue I assume? Sad times :’)


do you have Heat_0.2.8.1? this issue was fixed in this latest version

kevsky Draws

Sadly I can’t see on your patreon page, only


all i can say is that this is a verified UwU moment


So i uhh, have an odd question, do you think by any chance there could be mud added to the game, like deep bottomless mud, i think it would be adorable to watch the dergie sink in while i watch -w-. I know its really really weird but ye <~>


I'm afraid that's a bit too specific and it's unlikely we'll add that :P