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The first milestone release of Heat is here!


This release represents a lot of the framework we'll need for future content development. The base of the UI is complete and adding elements to it now is easy, and the characters have the controllers in place to drive the dozens of blended animations attached to them. It's not bug-free of course, but the Testers have done a great job reporting issues and it should be perfectly playable :)

We've till got lots of work ahead of us! We still need to iron out some of Hera's animations and get Emmy's butt working. Emmy's model wasn't originally made for penetration, so we have to do a lot of work there to make it possible.

Thanks a lot for making the development of Heat possible! We're really glad you guys enjoy this project and we look forward to all the awesome things that can be done with it with your continued support! :)


The authentication system will open your browser and ask you to connect with Patreon, keep an eye out for it. At the moment the authenticator isn't quite right and a little too strict, and requires you to have an active pledge to get access to the game.


The credits section is left blank for now. I was planning on using Patreon's name data to fill this in, but a lot of people enter what seems like their real names into this field and I'm pretty sure they don't want to end up in this game's credits :P I'll need to figure out a solution for this.

For VR check the SteamVR control bindings section for the config. Most controllers should have the default bindings set up but you may need to change your controls to enable the OpenUI button. B is the menu button.

For 2D:
WASD: Move
Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down
Click: Grab something
R/F: Rotate item in hand
MouseWheel: Move object away or towards the camera
Mouse: rub something when the hand zooms in

The 2D interactions are still kinda experimental and limited, but hopefully still enjoyable :)


  • fix blocky text when player is tiny
  • fix laser pointer when player is tiny
  • fix character bits disappearing when looking at odd angles (no more nightmares!)
  • internal refactors to code related to rubbing
  • fix player hand flattening when fingering Hera
  • add a new dildo with a big ol' knot :3
  • Made the horse toy a bit larger
  • UI laser pointer now emits from the hand that opened the menu
  • make Hera's breast collision a little larger
  • minor optimizations that nobody but a programmer would appreciate :'(

Known Issues:

  • switching to a character more than once can cause strange things to happen
  • you can get boneitis if both hands rub something at once just for the first time
  • When you're tiny with tiny hands, it's really hard to get Emmy off (is this a bug? It makes sense I guess, and a good workout!)
  • closing a menu during the transition when you get past the auth might break the menu, requiring a game restart
  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, can be fixed with a game restart



This is so much fun to mess around with, thank you for releasing it <3 I love being able to pet their faces and play with them :D


Works well with WMR, sometimes the menu doesn't pop up but it could be on my end.