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This one will be a more retroactive progress post i.e. going back and editting things, there will be a small amount of new scenes but mainly it's implimenting stuff to make this first part as good as it can be. That and later on this month I will be away from my computer as I'm having to head down to London for some personal business.


* A farewell sex scene. (COMPLETE 22:13 03/04/2023)
* Self Reflections thus far. (COMPLETE 18:21 02/04/2023)


* The first video message. (COMPLETE 11:29 02/04/2023)


* Packing ready to return to Katelyn's house. (COMPLETE 20:00 30/03/2023)
* Getting to Katelyn's house before the flood because she took an earlier train.(COMPLETE 08:28 21/03/2023)


* Packing ready to return to Mums house. (COMPLETE 20:00 30/03/2023)
* Sleeping in and missing the earlier train so stuck at Grandma's house because of the flood. (COMPLETE 22:25 29/03/2023)

Basic Sound:

Boyfriend Route Complete: 19:48 04/04/2023
Grandma Route Complete: 20:10 04/04/2023
Girlfriend Route Complete: 20:44 04/04/2023
Mum Route Complete: 20:49 04/04/2023


* Gallery.
* None French dialogue.
* Extending existing sex scenes.
* Complete sound and ambient editing if required.
* Spellchecking.


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