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It's 3:25am as I write this here and I have literally just finished the extended version of HH12. I've got it to an ok standard. Notice I say okay, I can be very critical of my own creations I feel. Nevertheless, first up is the normal dropbox version, after I've slept I'll upload the extended to dropbox and then the MEGA ones...


Normal: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bhlphdxlhfsvs1d/Happy%20Honeymoon%2012.mp4?dl=0

Extended: In extended dropbox folder.


Normal: https://mega.nz/file/zZoggYwJ#TDTnm_9lcZC56Iy59v6iK5h4fif6UYwreC-pD3XJtpo

Extended: In extended mega folder



Brian Thomas

Just want you to know, what you do is appreciated

Tyler Petty

man i going to miss this series its a great story from start to finish but I'm exited for more story's that you got coming


She will make occasional appearances in other videos btw so no need to mourn too much.