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So a lot of people are already voting for a different wife in the game, so I had a bit of a thought and, it may mean a bit more work but it will be a more enjoyable thing:

3 Choices with 3 choices of background for each:

Wife 1.

1) Venture Capitalist Daughter.

Your wife grew up in the lap of the upper-middle class with all that privilege that it entails. Her parents grew successful investing in all sorts of investments that paid off and gave their daughter a great start in life, then of course, she met you....

* Currency + 1500 at start of game.
* Eleanor will not NTR you. She respects her peers and those at the same station as her.

2) Southern Belle.

Your wife grew up in the southern states and gosh darn ain't she tha sweetest rootin tootin gal y'all ever laid eyes upon!

* Unique Southern accent in game.

3) Ex Soldier.

Left right left right...time for R&R, pants down... I'm sure that's what barracks are for right? Well she served her country and now she's back in civvy street.

* Unique Spouse Dominant events for you and the girls (soldiers don't take no shit off people)
* Corruption starts lower
* Unique dialogue and events with Shani.

Wife 2 

1) Fi Ling's Daughter

The daughter of Fi Ling from my video series, Fi had her when she was 34, making your wife a sweet button nose 25 year old, aww... unfortunately or fortunately she has picked up a small part of her mothers nymphomaniac streak.

* Kyra will not NTR you.
* Spouse Corruption will start off + 20 because her mother is a rampant nympho and she passed part of that on
* Fi Ling (an older version) May appear in game!

2) Daughter of US Investors.

Fleeing the cultural revolution her ancestors settled in the US and began investing in enterprises to the point where the family was safe and secure, passing on this to their descendant.

* Currency + 1500 at start.

3) San He Hui Member (Triads)

A suspected female member of the Chinese Triads. 'nuff said.

* Unique conversations and events with Guiliana.
* Some of the girls will need higher corruption and or lower love on your wife stats before they will go near her.
* Unique spouse dominant events for you and the girls.

Wife 3

1) African Tribal

You met during charity work building wells and digging ditches for African tribes in the Congo, though you had only a basic knowledge of her tribes language you learnt some of hers and she yours, no words had to be said as the looks between you and your hearts blossomed. When you went home you immediately applied for her to emigrate, marrying her and making her a full citizen.

* Unique accent.
* Less Corruption needed for events because she is not aware of certain customs and social rules.

2) Daughter of Jamaican Business Entrepreneurs.

Her parents were successful Jamaican business entrepreneurs, first starting with 1 restaurant they grew to an empire of restaurants, sauces, pre-tinned foods and a massive culinary empire. They passed this spirit onto their daughter.

* Unique accent.
* Currency + 1500 at start.

3) Ghetto girl.

Living in the ghetto, just gotta take it one day at a time...

* Unique conversations with Yolanda.




I notice at a certain part, when you encounter the couple having sex in the park, when spending time with spouse and you offer a partner swap, would they always decline or would Fi Ling's daughter be down as she is corrupted already and what video series is Li Fing from? There's just so many I don't know which one

Mike k

They all look hot


if you choose that as her background then probably yes. Fi Ling is part of the Emily Series.


Thanks and it should also make the game more varied and give a more personal touch to NTR players since they've chosen her themselves and her background.