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Hello All.

I've managed to get another 2-3 mins done and I'm going to complete the animation and dialogue over the weekend. In the mean time here are two image previews:

That should make you perk up and wonder whats going to happen in this next episode!

Oh also here is something else:

...yep...I spent about £170 on downloading the latest RPGmaker MV and as many modules as I could. I'm now just going through the tutorials, taking it slow and learning. But my previous programming from that dreadful game I did before is still there so I can understand the concepts quickly.

That said DONT WORRY, I'm not going to abandon my videos at all. This is just a little side project for me to do in my spare time. MY PATREON WILL REMAIN VIDEOS. I had 3 ideas:

1) The S Virus game - Incorporating the best resi girl Jill, scavenging food and drink and getting enough sleep in a survival game, oh and horny zombies and survivors, that's always a plus.

2) Isadora The Wife Explorer - Play as Isadora in the city as she meets couples and gradually corrupts them and/or engages in sneaky naughtiness.

3) My Sneaky Girl - Play as a couple, either the male, the female or both as the guy gets cucked by people who sleep with his girlfriend. (To be honest there are a few games like this and I don't wanna re-hash things)

But the reason I tell you this is to show that I'm continuing to develop and your investment is well spent. I could have used that to buy a hooker but instead I bought something that in the future may be useful to appeal to you all. If I do make a game out of it I'll include it alongside the videos for free.


My application for CILEX came through this morning. I now have ACILEx after my name and I have to continually develop by doing things like attending seminars and journal readings on law but it's nice to be doing something with the degrees.

I had a job offer which I accepted and start beginning of September, just 12 hours part time cleaning up a school but schools always need teaching assistants hmm? Long term thought there.

My level 2 gym instructor workbook has been sent off for marking.

I'm starting driving lessons.

So all in all I'm really really happy and productive right now. Everything seems to be quite positive.

- Icarus.



what age group for the school ?


That's an....interesting question. Unfortunately I'm under contractual obligation not to talk about the students staff or school. Most i can say is it's a private funded school and thats it, sorry.


are you going to learn stick shift?


We have to over here. Automatic only is extra. Manual gear is about £22 per lesson, Automatic only is about £28 per lesson.


To illustrate the point I have a friend who found it cheaper to buy an american automatic online, pay for it to be put on a ship, be transported down 100 approx miles or so to the port, pick up the car and drive it back, than buy an automatic here.


1. RPGmaker games are less popular than RenPy games in general. That is often because devs use RPGMaker when they are NOT making a real RPG. The other side is also true where devs make RenPy games that are "open world". For reference of popularity, https://f95zone.to/trending/threads.1/ 2. If you want any learning from the process to be transferable into other work, RenPy at least gives you the opportunity to learn Python programming, which is a bit more in demand from a jobs perspective. https://fossbytes.com/most-popular-programming-languages/


I'm aware of what people say on f95, I'm a member there. As someone who did once use renpy to try to make an open world game I can say this is why I'm taking it slow and NOT making it the main thing on my patreon. As for Python it does but it's also mixed in with Ren'py's own code which is slightly different. RPGmaker uses Javascript for more complex tasks. I got what you mean though.


I actually played Succubus and liked it! I know you are hard on yourself over it, but it was a really good story with good animations.