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Morning all,

So by now I assume you have all seen the video: SRG Emily The Interviews? If not please have a look at that BEFORE voting. It's the last post I made.

So there are 6 choices, only 3 will get in. So top 3 will be a more permanent feature in the series along with their personalities affecting story.

Now I'm going to give a brief intro of each character for those that don't know, if you don't want spoilers then go straight to the video and the vote.

Valia - Very young, beautiful and seductive, she has her own story in the city but took employment as a police officer, among other things...she has a very interesting secret about herself which will definitely affect the story including the ending of the series (Yes I already have the ending in mind). Some of you may know what it is from my older days ;-)

James - Emily's ex cop partner that went on international transfer down south of the border, frequently tries it on with any girls he finds he has a tendency to also be cock blocked before he can do anything. Has 2 kids, 1 of which is not his own (was cuckolded by Lana years back). A former resident of the 'hood. He instead of the usual fate decided to better himself and become a police officer.

Fi Ling - Oriental Chinese girl whose Dad is Chief Commissioner for the Police force and mother is a very prominent politician she grew up isolated in the family compound where she learned the duality of doing good but also the classic Chinese art of manipulation and deception as evinced in 'The Art of War' by Sun Tsu.

The first or at least one of very few who was able to turn the tables on Emily and play her like a puppet Fi is certainly a game player, however she has a good heart and believes in order and society, indeed recognising that sometimes you have to play dirty to do so. Indeed she has a habit of playing dirty because having become isolated in youth she is quite a nymphomaniac now.

Typically aloof and dignified at first glance she has a brilliant and cunning intellect combined with ravaging good looks and rampant sexuality make her quite the predator. She also is well versed in tradition, society, honour, meditation and making tea.

Chantelle - An Immigrant of British origin and quite the chavette, like her male counterpart Wayne. She is, quite therefore gobby and opinionated. Typically blaring loud music, wearing designer jewellery and strangely looking quite alluring for it she first encounters Emily when her boyfriend is locked up in the jail and gets rode by Emily, only for her to then also get rode by Emily (typical of Emily really ;-) ) Now, seeing her boyfriends cowardice in the face of Emily and learning of futa/dickgirl cock she gravitates towards Emily.

Has a few minor convictions for noise, assault, being drunk and public nudity but these can be overrode if Emily wishes.

Jewel - Also a British Immigrant, unlike Chantelle however Jewel was born in a very rich well off 'old money' family alongside her younger brother. She was sent to the country to study philosophy at MIT. Being isolated like Fi, Jewel also developed a high sex drive and typically British, also developed the aloof, dignified manner of such a people. highly clever and manipulative also she is nevertheless quite shy when meeting new people and retains a distance until she has learned about them. She is also more reluctant to use her manipulative side and is a bit more care free and easy going to the more passionate Fi. Despite this they share some similarities such as correct bearing...and how to make tea.

Ousted from the family fortune by her brother and losing it all she relied upon her ginger haired friend Alicia to help, where she took on employment as a maid in a brothel, soon she earnt enough money (banging clients and not getting caught, although some say the owner also put her to some use) to be able to stabilise her studies and complete them and to develop a small property and investment portfolio, enough to ensure she can live if needs be without a job. Soon after the brothel owner disappeared and a tale of her life was over. She applied to be a night secretary for the police and this is where she is now.

Because of all this she is less as arrogant and more reserved and shy, cautious would perhaps be the word. She also has a more carefree attitute as stated for the same reason. Her previous circumstances and studies have done that.

Tim - Unknown guy, very young. Decided he wants to be a cop and will do anything to achieve his dream. Mainly here for the futa on male fans.



Fi Ling is MORE popular than Jewel? Wow!