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Today 18th March 2019 marks 2 whole years since I started. In that time I have:

* Attempted my first game, which although it was crap and bombed (and you have to give me credit for holding my hands up when I could have just ignored it), enabled me to understand games more and to see where I went wrong. It gave me valuable feedback.
* 43 Videos currently out for the public with 1 more waiting to be made public on 5th April. A total of 44 videos at this point. Making 22 videos released on average per year!!!
* Improved massively as I will show you...

When I first started I'll be honest I just wanted to make a series about Jill Valentine because there wasn't enough stuff aside from the occasional comic and compilation vids of 2-3 second stuff. i was just like everyone else, I was watching videos, playing games from the LOK forums etc. I then heard of a game called: SIMBRO.

It was the first game that made me login to patreon and start to pay someone through here, at first I was REALLY worried with putting my financial details on site like this. Gradually as pledges wen't through I continued to talk to people, make jokes (I'm legendary on the SIMBRO page for that!) and find other creators.

I was watching a video (https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56df542b0e8f3 namely this one) when I thought "Why don't I MAKE the stuff?" Instead of just watching it? I had thoughts like: "I don't know animation, coding and all that technical stuff" "No-one will like your stuff" etc etc. I had ALL the excuses and negative thoughts you could imagine.

Then I remembered: At 15 I knew 0% of how to DJ, at 17 I was teaching the classes and played to about 7000 people in a private hire gig at Portvale Stadium in Stoke. At 18 I joined a political party, By 19 I was in charge of the young members of that party (18 - 30 years old) and sat on the executive board of the local division of that party selecting Parliamentary candidates, I voted to select the one who would later become the MP for that area.

So when all these negative thoughts came to me, I heard them before. Instead of "I CANNOT do it", I simply changed it to "HOW CAN I do it?" BAM!!! Cue The S Virus 1. A 480p resolution video with ripped porno sounds, that first month I got $16. I kept going, kept improving. Stayed humble and true to myself but with the confidence and assertiveness required.

So in 2 years I went from:

To something I made today to show you I STILL improve:

Oh yeah, as of today I have weather effects.

BUT here is the thing, no-one and I mean NO-ONE becomes a success without SERVING other peoples NEEDS or WANTS. Whenever I needed or wanted more money I NEVER asked for more, I never bitched when someone stopped pledging... I simply said "How can I SERVE MORE people?"

That's why I continue to improve, Sure I'd LOVE more success, I'd love to be standing opposite Blacksheep Ovca (preferably spitroasting someone, but he has a wife so...maybe....well we'd have to be closer buddies first) fist bump him and say "YOU'RE AWESOME!" and have him say "NAH YOU'RE AWESOME!" Both shout "BRO-MOMENT" like frat boys, and carry on Chugging our beers and thinking "We made a LOT of people happy" (see how vivid my imagination is? It's how I make good stories) We did, we do and we continue to, I will anyway. But NONE of that would happen If I hadn't made you guys and girls happy would it? It may only be 47 patrons, but that's 47 people, REAL people in the real world who are so happy with me that they're happy to give me their hard earned money, there is a responsibility in that. Yes it becomes mine, and you all know I could have spent it on blow and hookers BUT I invested it and you know where it all eventually ended up: The computer that allows me to make more quality videos and therefore SERVE MORE people and MAKE MORE PEOPLE happy.

THAT...for anyone, in any field...is the secret to being successful and becoming more successful and not getting stuck on a plateau. And in case i can't say it enough...It's because of you guys and girls. Thank you.

- Icarus.

P.S. I thought it would be funny to make a pic like that, what do you think?
