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So as the title says I've found some new high definition hair which i will hopefully be able to upgrade every model with, same for a few clothes and as you can see from the pics I've found a way to make the eyes 'Glow'. So to show off that i used an older model I haven't looked at in a while, older patrons may recognise her.

Happy Honeymoon 3 is currently at the 18 minute approx. With another sex scene yet to be recorded adding about 4-5 mins.

Also working on a spare time video called: 'Kyra's Private Tuition'. I saw nobody was giving Kyra any love in the votes so I made one in my spare time. it's about 9mins long and I just have to sound edit it.

P.S. You are taking a midnight stroll across the beach, when suddenly you see a glimpse of something on the pier, you look over only to see the main picture looking back at you, what would you do?

EDIT 12/02/2019 02:08am: I now have High Definition Zombie textures:
