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Well it's now the 5th here and time to start working on the next video!

And....BAM I come off holiday and as you can see I have just over 18 minutes of video (approx 11 minutes is fully edited, text input, video effects in etc). I have a few more scenes to do, aiming for around 25 - 30 mins. Not including my EXTENDED VIDEO ($10) Patrons, who will get an extra scene.

This is the shift I said from 30 - 40 min videos down to 20 - 30. But with synchronised high quality audio, the new dynamic lighting and HD texture upgrades it's worth it. I want even better though so I now looking for even more HD textures like area maps and new HD hair or the models.

Nice image isn't it?

P.S. I now have a full INTRO for my videos. I'm working on an EXTRO to put at the end.
