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Hello Everyone!

Firstly I'd like to thank you all for voting for me to have a months rest from posting game updates. With my 13 year anniversary of meeting my girlfriend coming up it's appreciated, got stuff planned for that.

New patreons that have come Hello! You've joined when I'm on break but you're welcome here, most of you are $5 patreons so I'll add your names to the game credits. Immortality for only $5 a month?! Bargain really. It's nice to leave something to point at for future generations isn't it?

I've been playing with Jill as you can see, an original costume change to go with that ending in the last episode of The S Virus. Future episodes will have her looking like this whenever I get in the mood to do another episode. If you don't know what I mean I have a video link on my overview page.

I shall post the occasional post but I won't start fully back on the game until the 5th Feb ready to release the grand 1.0 or maybe 0.9a version (can't decide, 1.0 always says completed game to me) for 5th March.

- Apo




Take care and congrats to you and your gf :-) 13 years is a job well done and hope you two have many years to come together :-)


Yep we've had many years of coming together. We met when I was 15 at school, we sat next to each other in English class. I used to keep poking her with my pen, or borrow things from her pencil case without asking. Her best mate asked me to go out with her and I said yes. Was interesting because her friends are mostly my ex girlfriends. It's interesting when they visit. :-)


Hey, where do i find the cheat codes?