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Just a quick update while I'm providing security at work, I've coded in Boss 3 and Boss 4 which will lead up to Xala finally giving you her plan and finally making you decide whether to stand with her or against her [once coded].

Boss 5 once coded will only appear if you stand against Xala, otherwise, standing with Xala is considered an ending and an ending sequence will eventually be done for that. I already have a shock ending that I doubt anyone will predict ;-)

It's been 9 months but we're getting to the point where the main story is nearly done.

After that I have a few months to add some side quests and expand the followers stuff and really flesh out the game.

Then I can say that I have actually completed a H game. Amazing!

Next thing to code on my list is reactions to appearances. See you all soon.

- Apo.



I can't recall if you mentioned if earlier, but are you going to have scenes with main character futa on female?


The main character can do that yes and I will be putting that in. As a Succubus Valia can grow one and use it. That reminds me I've changed my overview page to include what's in the game. :-)