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Well well, they have once again updated their policies!

Rather than go through the whole rigmorole of basically paraphrasing what this creator has said, I'll let you click on the link above and have a read of it and the comments to understand.

It is your money after all!

The short of it is this: The amount you see in the corner is NOT what I eventually get, that happens to be before patreon and paypal take their little slices. Previously it was us creators who were charged, now it will be you the consumers.

So if you look at one of the comments on that link it explains the maths. If you are someone who can easily spare a bit of extra cash it's fine because the creators you want to support will now get more of your pledges at the added cost of you playing the handling fees.

However more cash strapped patreon may have to lower their pledges or delete them entirely because they are now paying more. For example now if you pledge for the $1 to me, it will come up with you paying about $1.38 instead, the $0.38 being the slice towards patreon. whereas previously the $1 you pledged would have had $0.38 taken away so I only got $0.62 per $1 pledge.

P.S. I have also heard that Patreon is cracking down on PUBLIC versions being allowed on here. In total the whole cracking down on the freedom of creators to do whatever they wish, for consumer who clearly like that kind of stuff, the none allowing of public versions of games and now this leads me to think Patreon is either become a fascist 1984 like company OR if this is being dictated by either left or right politician or Government or even the Payment Masters like Paypal etc then it shows Patreon hasn't got the bottle to stand up to them or the business inspiration to find alternatives.

- Apo.


Patreon new policy, in a nutshell... | LOK Team on Patreon

Official Post from LOK Team: Hi there,As I imagine most of you will have received an email from Patreon today, and I know perfectly well how fancy wording is the recipe for misunderstandings, let me explain to you what that message actually means in one short sentence...:Patreon is transferring payment handling fees from us cre



Thanks for explaining this. I was confused by a few of the other creator posts. The net result is that people that support many creators (like me) will get hit more by this. This becomes an business class project where you try to figure out if the loss of patrons due to increased fees will be more than the creator-side fees from the old system. Time will tell.