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Howdy there partners,

Well gee o golly gosh we got ourselves a new version soon, are y'all excited?

Anyway enough country speak or Kyra (one of my patrons) will beat me up.


The new version has come along nicely and I'm going to add a few last minute things to it if I can after the last promised things are put in.


Wow so that new videa I posted I finally managed to get on pornhub but for some reason it started getting flamed as soon as I posted it, within an hour it went down to 67% in votes I think it's about 75% at the moment. I have no idea why as no-one has left any feedback, I assume people enjoyed it or would at least do.

But I don't get disheartened because even if it pleases one person that makes it worthwhile, if the whole world hates it but one guy or girl finds even for just 30 mins something that makes them feel good then that is what it's all about right there.


This is going to be long, basically about 1 year and 2 months ago I started a part time job as a cleaner for a company I shall call Company 1, I worked 10 hours a week. In March this year after my supervisor called me and accused me of being retarded ("Are you slow or something?" were the actual words) I decided never again would I want the fear of having my entire life wellbeing and income in the hand of one person and so in March I started this Patreon AND started another cleaning job for a company I will call Company 2 (cleaning a puregym, which meant free gym access ;-) ) doing 14 hours, making a total of 24 hours a week as well as patreon. 3 Jobs meant NEVER ever fearing losing all my income.

Within 4 months of working for Company 2 another opening came up to work nights in addition to the afternoon hours I was already doing. (Company 1 hours are 8am - 10am, company 2 was 4pm - 6pm) Namely to work 10pm to 1am in addition to the 4pm - 6pm hours), it meant of course giving in my notice to company 1 which I was of course happy to do so. suddenly I no longer had to get up around 6am and cycle 3 miles every morning and then back after my shift.

I suddenly had 30 hours but completely with company 2, turns out that the reason that opening had come up as it had 4 times before is that the supervisor is a very bossy intimidating person, there were two girls who did the job before I did and they left within 3 days and 2 weeks of doing it, when I started I learned why...he has a habit of standing about a metre away behind you, saying nothing and just watching what you do. Now to a girl, on nights that can be really intimidating! For me though I wasn't intimidated but very annoyed because for the 30mins he would do this he could have actually done some cleaning.

In august this year my supervisor from company 1 that I left rang me to ask how I was blah blah blah, during the events of the phone call it was revealed that they had had 3 candidates all who were not suitable for the job, I was asked if I wanted to come back, the 2 girls had had no days off because there wasn't a 3rd cleaner and pressure was mounting, long stroy short it sounded as if I was needed. After some considering I asked if I could go back to just afternoons or company 2, they said no. So I put my notice in and left. I went down from 30 hours to 10 hours, which I have been doing up to now, which goes to show you, as long as my basic needs are met I don't really care about being a greedy person, especially when it seems I am needed (There is no more satisfying a feeling let me tell you than that)

Anyway last Thursday, I happen to spot a familiar job and familiar company name, this time for working two days a week on nights from 10pm to 6am, I applied stating I knew the gym staff already, I knew the cleaner supervisor, I still had my uniform and my pin code and everything, within 20mins of my application I got an email asking if I was okay with the hours and when I could start! (A lesson NEVER to burn bridges, because you never know if you need to go back). I asked indirectly about who would be working with me and it will be me on my own, which means no distractions from working, yay!

So now starting Friday this week I'm going up to 26 hours a week (not counting my self employment here on patreon). It was just so odd to me because it was like:

Work at company 1

Work at company 1 and 2

Work at company 2

Work at company 1

Work at company 1 and 2 again

How odd is that? :-)

But don't worry I still have time to work on the game and continue learning Unity and C#. I'm thinking of doing a small project first just to see if I can get the basics down.


Naughty James

I totally understand what you have to do, and yes, please take care of yourself and make sure your bills are taken care of first and then come back to us to do your dream game for us. I really don't want to read that you love us so much and love your game so much that you lose everything in trying to please us and make the game for us. Thanks for the update on what you doing, I have seen other pages where the creator has stopped posting and reaching out to us who are supporting them but wonder what has happened to them but at least you still with us and still doing well in these days.