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So I've been thinking, I started this whole thing in March 2017 and usually game development should take no longer than 1-2 years. Especially if it's a renpy game. I'm not exactly in Blizzard or one of the big game companies.

With that in mind I'm aiming to have the main stuff complete by March 2018 and to have a huge substantial amount of sex scenes, conversations and basically to have the game to such a standard that I could call it 'complete' even if just a basic 'complete' [Hey there is always more that can be added!].

Then I would move on either to producing videos again, another ren'py game or starting a 2D game with playshapes sprites [the ones simbro and purple games uses] I already have a few ideas about the last one.

However that doesn't mean I will just hand over a basic game and not touch it again, what it means is I will still occasionally update it with a few little things. It will just take a back burner to the primary project, whatever that would be.

Having a completed game would bolster confidence in me as a creator, especially after so many horror stories such as breeding season and what is currently happening with Simbro [dropping from 18K to 8k in 2/3 months...wow!]. It would also be quite rare as from what I've found of online H-games is that completed ones are few and far between.

It would be nice to have 'COMPLETED PROJECTS' in my patreon header and to finally have done this with everyone at my side, supporting me.



I believe in you and I hope you go on creating games rather than videos ;-)


I am thinking that since I can create the videos in my spare time as a hobby. It is nice to have unlimited imagination whereas with a project you are bound within that particular setting. The Videos allow me to exercise my mind and pick up inspiration. So....what did you do with those pics in the end?


I didn't mean that you couldn't do videos, but I would be really sad if you disappeared from the game scene. And about the pictures (LFC), One of them is on my desktop :-) The others are safely stored :-)