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So let me debrief you on what's been happening this whole time, starting with the content I have for you today.

First off, after an absurd amount of research, trial and error, with a tiny dash of actual work - an updated Loona is out! Not only it looks better, but it's also on a new body that I've updated to function a bit differently.

The v4.1 body has a different shape and anatomy (thoroughly overseen by my artist friend Adma that is now living with me btw) and yes, v4 clothes won't work with it for now - but look how well the new clothes work! They're now on by default, and not only they follow the bodyshape perfectly (that's a near fully automatic transfer via addon btw) - they're also compatible with the new trick I've added.

Remember HyperMode? That flex that hijacked other flexes to go beyond their limits or behave differently? That's history now - welcome Flex Unlocker. This SFM script allows your flexes to go beyond the maximum value of 1 - or even go negative. Turns out it's not only useful to make meme gmod-era faces, but enhance body shapes, letting them go both directions. You can try and see for yourself. Nearly all flexes with -ness in their names will be able to work with Flex Unlocker, as well as a few others too. The clothes that go as bodygroups will also follow the unlocked flexes to an impressive degree.

The facial functions will also be slightly different - that's because now I'm making my facials with FaceIt addon. No HWM for now, but I'll be working to adapt my expressions table to it - and maybe even add new shapes. You can notice how well it works in Blender version, letting you build expressions entirely with bones (thus the mess in SFM). In the coming months I'll try to integrate it better with the rig, and update my older characters to it.

This update is important, because it lets me make Blender versions of characters at the same time as I do SFM ports, and make it easier for people (myself included) to port clothing items to the ReVAmped body. I'll be testing a few other things - such as optional flexes that you can choose to get compiled with your character model. You will be able to decide which flexes your ReVAmped character model will have. I already tested it and it's possible - but will take some time to develop. This essentially removes the last obstacle for SFM models - which is flex limit. 

Now Loona goes live on Patreon, and v4.1 body will be available for public testing in ReVAmped server and a few other affiliated servers. This would not be possible without you guys. Only thanks to your support I am able to stay alive and well in foreign lands and continue my work, striving for a better future. This year has been an absolute ass - I've lost my home, friends, family, belongings and life prospects, but not my drive to make better things.

Chase the perfection.


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