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Love your reaction at the end to Paris smooching with Asher. I remember watching that scene back in the day being shocked. Emily is a complex character wonderfully portrayed by the stunning Kelly Bishop. It’s easy to be on Emily’s side with the whole Richard and Pennalynn Lot nearly 40 year secret lunches. Then she goes and unnecessarily blames Lorelai. I can take or leave Jason. He doesn’t bother me. He’s quirky. He’s someone to keep her company especially since Luke is still with what’s her name (I know her name).

Doby Greg

I understand Emily being upset but I also am not angry at Richard. Emily has very strong sense of pettiness and would have never allowed any contact. So Im fine with Richard having lied to not have to become a stranger to someone he had history with. When you become an adult, it is so difficult to keep relations from old time and you want to have those people in your life before everything got so busy and complicated. And 1 or 2 lunch a year isnt really something I consider makes him sleazy.


Team Emily!! But like i feel so bad for Lorelai because everything always ends up being her fault according to Emily. I don’t even want to talk about Paris and that old man!! And I didn’t like Jason either so (but everyone is better than Christopher)!!