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Video: https://vimeo.com/882888056

Password: ttmkaqgpz



To me the Burke Christina thing was worse than what Izzie did. Izzie at least TALKED to Denny about what was going to happen. Yeah, still a shitty thing to do, but he at least knew what he was letting himself in for and she did it out of love, while these two risked how many lives? For what? Ego? Because instead of admitting there's still an issue, he decided this was better? Playing roulette with patient lives? George looked Christina in the eye and asked for the truth, and she lied. So I don't blame him at all for this episode. He knew something wasn't right and he wanted his dad to have the best shot. Izzie was out of line to go behind George's back, so I don't blame George for his reaction.


i think izzy did do a bit too much by telling his mom and dad about like meredith and callie,, but to be fair, i dont blame her for telling them burke is the best surgeon there is. bc he is. and she has no idea what is happening to burke.