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Video: https://vimeo.com/877615295

Password: ttmdquxap



Damon technically killed and turned Elena's bio mom, and then slept with Elena too lol. These characters are wild


It’s so wild to me that so much of the fandom hates Tyler because of how he treats Caroline after he finds out she slept with Klaus. She fully deserves everything he said to her. He was never going to kill her. He obviously just didn’t want to talk to her after hearing that like anyone would. I’m glad you see this because so many reactors are so far up Caroline’s ass that they don’t see the situation for what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love Caroline but she has always annoyed me in s5.


Joe TELL ME you've seen the guy who played Matt's audition tape to play Damon. You'll cringe so hard you fold yourself inside out


Agreed, this theory that Tyler was going to bite Caroline and kill her when he told her to 'LEEEEEAVE' is ridiculous, he was angry and pissed yes but everyone in TVD needs to calm down thinking he was gonna go on a murderous rampage haha

Nikki S

When you said maybe the writers like Matt but we don’t. LOL the creator Juli Plec said the writers would beg her to let them kill off Matt all this time and she kept saying no😂😂


cuz rumored has it they were hooking up lol