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Hey everyone!

Ask any questions you may have in regards to Gilmore Girls down below and I'll answer them all at the start of 4X01!

- Joe


Doby Greg

What was your favorite and least favorite romance so far?

Doby Greg

What friendship do you want to see more of? Rory&Paris? or Rory& Lane?

Doby Greg

Would you prefer more focus on Rory or Lorelai when she goes to university?


Which episode do you think is *objectively* the best in the show from what you've seen so far? (top three if it's hard to narrow down)


Which characters do you want to see more of and which characters do you want to see less of in future episodes? (prediction: see less of Jackson lol)


where do you think they will take jess’ character going forward?


best scene/scenes acting wise?