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Dave and Lane >

Video: https://vimeo.com/858999497

Password: ttmkcadxq


Jana Fuller

Omg Joe this collections thing is amazing!!!


I KNOW RIGHT OH MY GOD! I was gonna do a post about it today but I still have 40 shows I need to add😭so I’ll let everyone know it’s a thing tomorrow when it’s done

Jana Fuller

Oh my goodness like there's so many shows I didn't even know you did or it was too hard to find!! I'm so excited!


Yes! It makes everything so much easier now, because a lot of people don’t even know I’ve done a certain show aha, great update to have


The band playing during the silence made me laugh out loud. Jess is such an ass! First the way he treats Luke, he's so fucking ungrateful! Second how he treats Rory. I can't believe he was going to just skip town without speaking to her! But to then not even tell her you're leaving?! DICK MOVE! I wish Rory could have just gone with Lane and Dave. Sucks that she had to miss something she was so excited about. Dean is a moron. Why the fuck would you propose IN HIGH SCHOOL to someone you've been dating a few months! Stupid! Dave is boyfriend goals. The fact he stayed up and read the whole freaking bible in ONE NIGHT is everything!