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Episode 5: https://vimeo.com/851646413

Password: ttmpsxqag

Episode 6: https://vimeo.com/851646565

Password: ttmpdcqgh

Episode 7: https://vimeo.com/851646703

Password: ttmfctjnc

Episode 8: https://vimeo.com/851959243

Password: ttmufcsff



Sahar is a character that appears as well in the graphic novels (unlike Imogen for example, who was invented for the show & doesn't exist in the graphic novels) & tbh at this point in the story she was as secondary & irrelevant for the plot in the graphic novels as she is so far in the show, so this is accurate & faithful to the source material. In the graphic novels she was basically invented because Elle, Tara & Darcy needed a fourth friend with whom to share a room in the Paris trip (unlike with Nick, Charlie, Tao & Isaac, who already were four), but later on her character is expanded on a little more; she remains a pretty secondary character though through all the books so far. Someone has said that in the graphic novels her inclusion feels less forced, but tbh her inclusion in the graphic novels was just as forced & sudden as in the show, it just feels less so because the graphic novels are pretty much solely focused on Nick & Charlie, we never see what Elle, Tara & Darcy are up to in the girls school (we barely see at all what any character who isn't Nick or Charlie is up to unless Nick and/or Charlie are there to witness it or at least be told about it tbh), so once the graphic novels get to the Paris trip it's very easy to accept without question "oh, so this new character is a girl that Elle, Tara & Darcy have been friends with in the girls school for a long time & who they now are going to share a room with in the Paris trip, makes sense", whereas in the show we see much more of Elle, Tara & Darcy, their social lives & what they're up to in the girls school, so you wonder why we haven't seen this character until now in a way that you don't really when reading the graphic novels.


With the almost "I love you" moments with both Nick and Charlie, it doesn't really bother me all that much that we have to wait. Because they both wanted to say it. Nick was just missing the word "you" and Charlie just needed to hit send. So we know for certain that they DO both love each other. (It was very obvious anyway...) It'd be more annoying if they hadn't had Charlie write the message at all. So at least we know they both wanna say it. 🤣