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Video: https://vimeo.com/846255564

Password: ttmsxqatt


Nikki S

My great great grandparents came to the US from Greece and they taught their kids, grandkids, great grandkids to be very superstitious and my mom was so superstitious to the point where my younger brother is only a year younger than me and he was two years below me in school because I would graduate in 2012 and he would graduate in 2014 because 13 is an unlucky number lol! They wanted to hold me back in school bc I was so shy that I wouldn’t speak and she wouldn’t do it because I’d Graduate in 2013 and that’s unlucky😂 turns out my brother and I both won “ms. Dumb luck” and “mr. Dumb luck” for high school superlatives bc our family is basically cursed with bad luck so their superstitions don’t even help😂 Also having shoes on the bed is a number one superstitious rule in our family lol

Nikki S

I have OCD and it does impact me negatively 100% I’m always scared something tragic will happen but it’s not something that anyone would be able to tell about me unless they are my family and talk to me everyday. When I repeat things it’s always in my head, never aloud and the thing that affects others is that I ask my loved ones to let me know when they get home everyday bc my brain tells me that they will die in a car accident so if I don’t hear from them I start having horrible anxiety thinking the worst. Same with every time I hear a fire truck or ambulance I text everyone I love and make sure they’re okay. They know I feel horrible about bugging them but I don’t have that many people on my list of people I worry about lol mainly my mom and brothers. Sometimes tv and film show OCD and every other mental illness in such an off way where it makes people think we’re “crazy” and need to avoid us like the plague or something and can be harmful. Not always showing things accurately perhaps and Also people telling others with OCD that we don’t really have OCD or else we would be acting like this guy or other fictional characters lol not saying this guy isn’t showing symptoms, he is but like with every illness, everyone is different and most people don’t show it in super obvious ways I don’t think. Also the symptoms shown on tv most of the time like counting and being extremely clean or checking the stove or locks a certain amount of times isn’t needed for the diagnosis. Many people have OCD without doing those things. There’s so many symptoms.