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Have an early upload!

Video: https://vimeo.com/814609963

Password: ttmoxaqfc


Alycia Ortiz

Well this is a nice surprise! 🤗


Yay! Nice surprise thanks Joe 😊

Jana Fuller

Yay so happy 😁




you're the best


'Bad, bad images in my head' haha I love George I have no idea why Christina chose that blue dress... The red one was such an obvious choise.. she looked so hot in it, I need to find a similar one 😅

Nikki S

Ok I have some thoughts on this episode lol why the F are people trying to make decisions for other people so hard in this ep lol. The man not wanting his wife to know she has cancer like wtf? That’s her right to know and like a human being should be respected enough to know what’s happening to their bodies lol. And the thing with the doctors trying to force decisions on the lady who has the cancer gene like so not something that is allowed to happen in real life. Doctors can tell you all about what would/could happen both ways and say this is what I think but it’s up to you. Your body, your decision. No fighting about it lol And of course the worst husband award to that guy.

Nikki S

Another reason why it’s not likely they do this in real life is because ethics for the healthcare profession is required as an intro level class, which I’ve taken and it talks about these situations exactly lol I know they often make you take a lot more ethics for healthcare classes later in school too, depending on the college you go to. But we still see this in pharmacy’s where some workers don’t believe in the morning after pill and try to refuse to sell it to a customer because of “their beliefs” and depending on the employer some of them let them keep their jobs which is crazy lol. If you don’t believe in selling a legal over the counter pill then you shouldn’t work there imo lol