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Here we have a new sex scene for Monster Girl 1,000. This is a unique one, because it's going to appear at the very start of the game instead of in episode 10. The prologue is going to now start with the aforementioned "event" with Mary. 

Some of the previously monologued exposition will also be shared in dialogue with Mary instead, adding some more personality and helping the player become invested with the early events of the game since a naked girl is describing them rather than the pseudo-faceless main character. As the game is now, the first sex scene is with Mimi and quite late into the prologue, so this should help improve the pacing at the start. 

Other changes to the start will include some cheeky "imagination" previews of later sex scenes to give players just starting out something to look forward to. The start of MG1K always felt a little dry, and I imagine that made it hard to get into if you jump into these games dick-in-hand.



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